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Total Papers Found: 4

Optimization of cooling time for measuring Thermal properties of electronic materials using the transient plane source technique

The effects of cooling time on the reproducibility and accuracy of thermal conductivity measurements made using a Thermal Constants Analyzer were evaluated. Selected metal alloys and silicone based electronic interface materials were used for the testing. Cooling times of 30, 15, 10, 5, and 1 minute between measurements were selected, and three measurements were made for each cooling time. These tests were also performed at temperatures of 25, 50, and 70ÂșC to determine if sample temperature had ...

Author(s): , ,

Parameter Optimization for Measuring Thermal Properties of Electronic Materials using the Transient Plane Source Technique

In the electronic industry, manufacturers depend on accurate thermal conductivity testing methods to characterize their new products, and perform quality control maintenance on continuing materials. This paper assesses the ability of the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique to accurately characterize newly developed materials, for their use in novel electronic applications. Using the TPS technique, various silicone based electronic materials, of differing filler contents, were thermally characterized and examined for their ...

Author(s): , ,

Optimization of Instrument Cooling Time for Measuring Thermal Properties with the Thermal Constants Analyzer

This study aimed to determine the effect of instrument temperature cooling time on the accuracy of thermal conductivity measurements. Multiple samples, with varying thermal conductivities, were measured using the Thermal Constants Analyzer, and with five different cooling times. Cooling times, and their effect on the thermal conductivity results were analyzed, and appropriate cooling times were suggested, based on the findings....


Transient Plane Source Technique for Measuring Thermal Properties of Silicone Materials Used in Electronic Assemblies

This research paper delves into the thermal conductivity monitoring of silicone-based electronic materials with various fillers, using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique. Aside from the results, researchers also highlight the main features of the TPS technique: a rapid, precise and non-invasive method for measuring thermal properties of various materials. The results received using the TPS technique match those received using other techniques, however when using the TPS technique 30 tests ...

Author(s): , ,