
Author(s): Chi T. Do, Dale P. Bentz, Paul E. Stutzman

Keywords: building materials, building technology, bulk density, calcium silicate boards, fire protection, fire resistive material, fire resistive material (frm), frm, insulators, microstructure, pore size, porosity, powder density, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, temperature, theory of bruggeman, theory of frey, theory of russell, thermal conductivity, thermal plane source, thermal plane source (tps) technique, tps technique

Abstract: Two calcium silicate boards of different densities, porosities and pore size were analyzed for their thermal properties, specifically thermal conductivity. The boards were heated from room temperature to 400°C and the thermal conductivity was monitored during this time. A separate experiment 'aged' the boards first by heating at 1000°C for 4 hours before testing the thermal conductivity from room temperature to 400°C once again. The experimental results were compared with three pre-existing theories that predict thermal conductivity of porous materials. These three theories are: Russell's, Frey's and Bruggeman's. The theory of Russell and Frey agreed reasonably well with the experimentally determined thermal conductivities, while the theory of Bruggeman did not agree well. 'Aging' the boards had a small but non-negligible effect on the thermal conductivity.

Reference: Journal of Building Physics, 31, 1 (2007) 55-67

DOI: 10.1177/1744259107079020