Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 4

Fabrication and morphology control of highly porous mullite thermal insulators prepared by gelation freezing route

In this study, the effect of freeze casting method to fabricate thermal insulators is analyzed. Gelation freezing was done to create unique honeycomb-like microstructures with high porosity. A thermal analyzer was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the insulators with the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the insulators exhibited very low thermal conductivities....

Author(s): ,

G-Plus report to Owens Corning thermal conductivity measurements of fiberglass

Fiberglass is used inside car mufflers as a noise reducer and insulator. The insulating properties of the fiberglass eliminates the need for muffler heat shields, however to properly design vehicles without heat shields, it is important to know the thermal conductivity of fiberglass at high temperatures. A TPS Thermal Constants Analyzer was used to measure the thermal conductivity of glass fibers with diameters of 17 µm and 24 µm. Each sample was ...

Author(s): , ,

Systematic studies of tannin–formaldehyde aerogels: preparation and properties

A variety of tannin-formaldehyde aerogels were produced in order to examine the effects of pH and dilution during their manufacture. The authors produced a phase diagram that could describe them. Extensive physical property characterization was performed on the sample aerogels, including porosity, thermal conductivity, volume shrinkage, BET surface area and microscopic texture. Conditions under which the highest surface area and pore volumes were produced were identified. The TPS instrument was ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Hydrated Calcium Silicate Board Materials

Two calcium silicate boards of different densities, porosities and pore size were analyzed for their thermal properties, specifically thermal conductivity. The boards were heated from room temperature to 400°C and the thermal conductivity was monitored during this time. A separate experiment 'aged' the boards first by heating at 1000°C for 4 hours before testing the thermal conductivity from room temperature to 400°C once again. The experimental results were compared with three ...

Author(s): , ,