Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 62

Effect of cooking and drying on the thermal conductivity of rice

Testing of thermal properties of foods is essential for operation and control of food processing plants. In this paper, the thermal conductivity of rice and the drying of cooked rice is measured. These measurements are determined using a transient line source over a temperature range of 50-70°C, a moisture content range of 10-70%, packing density range of 500-850 Kg/M3Author(s):

Temperature influence on the effective thermal conductivity of cellular metals measured in stagnant air

This study aimed to experimentally measure the thermophysical properties of cellular metals, focusing on effective thermal conductivity. The transient plane source (TPS) technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of hollow sphere structures from different steel alloys and open cell structures made of iron-chromium-aluminum alloy (FeCrAl) for temperatures of 250°C and 800°C in air, respectively. From the experimental results, it was seen that the effective thermal conductivity values were ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal-physical properties of selected geomaterials: coal, sandstone and concrete based on basic series and parallel models

The purpose of this study was to look at the effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of coking coal, sandstone and foamed concrete existing in extreme thermal environments. Thermal-physical properties were measured under various conditions: fully water saturated, after saturation during air-drying, and oven-drying at 105°C. Results showed thermal conductivity increased with increasing moisture content, and sandstone had the highest mean thermal conductivity value of the three materials....

Author(s): , , , ,

Investigating the Hygrothermal properties of compressed earthen bricks

This study investigated the relationship between hygrothermal properties and bulk density of compressed earthen bricks. Thermal conductivity of compressed earthen samples was measured using a thermal apparatus with transient plane source method. Compressed earthen material with lower bulk density was found to have a lower thermal conductivity than higher bulk density materials since low bulk density samples have more pores filled with air....

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal Properites of Consolidated Granular Salt as a Backfill Material

This article summarizes thermal properties testing on granular salt that has been consolidated under a wide range of temperature, stress, and moisture conditions. Thermal property measurements were taken on four different sample groups: laboratory-consolidated granular salt using domal and bedded salt types, granular salt that was consolidated in situ, polycrystalline salt cores, and a single crystal of halite. Thermal conductivity was measured with transient plane source method. Results show thermal ...

Author(s): , ,