
Author(s): Alain Celzard, Antonio Pizzi, P. Jana, V. Fierro

Keywords: biomass, carbon foams, composite foams, environment friendly, exfoliated, fillers, formaldehyde, graphite, matrix, mechanical properties, organic foams, pcms, phase change materials, porous, resin, storage, strength, tannin, temperature, thermal conductivity, transient plane source (tps), transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: Seasonal thermal storage based on phase change materials (PCMs) require a thermally conductive host because they typically have low thermal conductivities. In this study, tannin-based composite carbon foams were prepared using thermally conductive exfoliated graphite (EG) fillers and pMDI additives. A thermal analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the EG-carbon foams and the EG/pDMI-carbon foams showed significantly higher thermal conductivities than the pristine carbon foams. The success of this experiment indicates that EG- and pDMI-composite carbon foams have the potential to host PCMs for seasonal thermal storage applications.

Reference: Biomass and Bioenergy, 67 (2014) 312-318

DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.04.031