Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 7

The effect of grain angle and species on thermal conductivity of some selected wood species

Wood can be defined as a composite, porous material as it is effectively made of two different substances. This property is reflective of how differently the wood grows with respect to the four seasons and how the materials in the wood can change based on ambient heat. The constant change in seasons therefore forms wood grains, which show the differing thermal properties of wood material. This paper finds the apparent ...

Author(s): , , ,

Effective thermal conductivity of sintered metal foams: experiments and a model proposal

It is important that porous metal foams used in gas turbines do not exceed their upper temperature threshold. In this paper, the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of metal foams up to 1000 °C. Results showed that the thermal conductivity values for porous metal foams were lower than dense metals by a factor of 20-40....

Author(s): , , ,

Fabrication of highly porous silica thermal insulators prepared by gelation-freezing route

The purpose of this study was to produce high porosity silica thermal insulators through gelation-freezing. The thermal conductivities of the insulators in relation to porosity and microstructure were measured by a thermal constant analyzer based on the transient plane source (TPS) method. The thermal conductivities of the S1 and S10 samples remained fairly constant despite temperature changes, and were mainly affected by solid and gas conduction....

Author(s): ,

Biomass-derived, thermally conducting, carbon foams for seasonal thermal storage

Seasonal thermal storage based on phase change materials (PCMs) require a thermally conductive host because they typically have low thermal conductivities. In this study, tannin-based composite carbon foams were prepared using thermally conductive exfoliated graphite (EG) fillers and pMDI additives. A thermal analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the EG-carbon foams and the EG/pDMI-carbon foams showed significantly ...

Author(s): , , ,

New tannin-lignin aerogels

Tannin and lignin are organic materials that are more cost-effective than synthetic, non-renewable phenolic compounds. In this paper, tannin-lignin-formaldehyde (TLF) composites were used to synthesize thermally insulative mesoporous aerogels. A thermal analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of two TLF samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the TLF aerogels had better thermal insulation properties than any other organic aerogels reported in the literature, and were well ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,