Category: Transient Plane Source
Author(s): Heping Zhang, Lunlun Gong, Ruifang Zhang, Xudong Cheng, Yonghong Wang
Keywords: ceramics, compressive strength, density, differential thermal analysis, differential thermal analysis (dta), dta, effective medium theory, effective medium theory (emt) equation, emt, equation, foaming and starch consolidation technique, maxwell-eucken model, planetary mill, pore size, porosity, porous mullite ceramics, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, sintering, tga, thermal conductivity, thermal insulation, thermogravimetric analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (tga), transient plane source (tps) method, viscosity, x-ray diffraction, x-ray diffraction (xrd), xrd
Abstract: Using industrial grade mullite powder and a foaming and starch consolidation process, a series of porous mullite ceramics were prepared. These ceramics were analyzed by a thermal constants analyzer, and it was determined that the ceramics had low thermal conductivities and would make good thermal insulators. The porosity of the synthesized ceramics can be controlled by the sintering temperature and by adjusting solid loading. The ceramics were subjected to theoretical models (Eucken-Maxwell and EMT) in order to prove that the prepared ceramics were classified as 'internal porosity.'
Reference: Journal of Porous Materials, 21, 1 (2014) 15-21
DOI: 10.1007/s10934-013-9741-z