Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 25

Preparation of low-density polyethylene/low-temperature expandable graphite composites with high thermal conductivity by an in situ expansion melt blending process

Low-temperature expandable graphite (LTEG) was blended into low-density polyethylene (LDPE) to prepare composite materials with an enhanced thermal conductivity in comparison to pure LDPE. The thermal conductivity of a composite containing 60 wt. % LTEG was found to be increased by a factor of 23 in comparison to the pure polymer. The LTEG was also found to decrease the melting temperature and degree of crystallinity of the LDPE, and the composites were also ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal Characterization of Lauric–Stearic Acid/Expanded Graphite Eutectic Mixture as Phase Change Materials

Expanded graphite (EG) was added to lauric acid (LA)-stearic acid (SA) phase change materials to enhance their thermal conductivities. The PCMs were prepared in varying mass fractions of LA and SA, and 10 wt. % of EG was added. The phase change temperature and phase change enthalpy were determined by DSC, while the thermal conductivities, and thermal stabilities of the PCMs were determined by the transient plane source and thermogravimetric analysis, ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal Composites of Biobased Polyamide with Boron Nitride Micro Networks

In this paper, polyamide (PA, composed of at least 60% renewable materials) was used as a polymer matrix to prepare PA-hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) polymer composites with varying hBN contents. Two different PA samples were used in this study: a low viscosity grade PA (PA-30), as well as a high viscosity grade PA (PA-90). The composite polymers were tested to evaluate their thermal, physical, and mechanical properties. It was concluded that ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal properties and moisture absorption of nanofillers-filled epoxy composite thin film for electronic application

The effects of the addition of three different fillers to a polymer matrix on the thermo-physical properties of the resulting composites were investigated by the authors. Boron nitride, synthetic diamond, and silicon nitride were used as the fillers (up to 2 vol. %), and it was found that their addition did increase the thermal conductivity relative to that of the pure epoxy matrix. Furthermore, it was determined that the thermal conductivities of ...

Author(s): , ,

High thermally conductive PLA based composites with tailored hybrid network of hexagonal boron nitride and graphene nanoplatelets

Polyactic acid (PLA)-micro hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)-graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) polymer composites were prepared, and the effects of varying filler contents on the thermal and mechanical properties of the polymer composites were investigated. It was determined that the addition of the GNPs resulted in a decrease in thermal conductivity in comparison to a PLA-hBN composite unless the GNP:hBN ratio was 1:1, where the thermal conductivity was equal to that ...

Author(s): , , ,