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Recommended Papers for: Thermal Diffusivity

Total Papers Found: 148

An extension to the dynamic plane source technique for measuring thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of dielectric solids

Using the dynamic plane source (DPS) technique, the thermal properties of highly and lowly thermally conducting materials were measured. The theory behind the technique is explained, and three well known materials are analyzed and the accuracy of the method is found to be within 5% of the actual value....

Author(s): , , ,

Dynamic plane source technique for simultaneous determination of specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of metallic samples

The authors describe the dynamic plane source, a transient method of measuring the thermal conductivity, diffusivity and specific heat of a sample. This method uses a sensor, and relies on the premise of an adiabatic system. Using this method, the thermal properties of cast iron, pure iron and stainless steel are measured. The experimentally obtained values match with the literature values quite closely....

Author(s): ,

Simultaneous measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of insulators, fluids and conductors using the transient plane source (TPS) technique

The authors report on the use of the newly developed transient plane source (TPS) technique for the measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of insulators, fluids and metals. The paper describes the theory and experimental setup used, including the sensor and how it works. The experimentally obtained values were compared to literature values and showed good agreement....

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of thin samples from transient measurements with TPS sensors

Using TPS sensors, the thermal conductivity, diffusivity and specific heat of thin samples of metallic materials have been measured. The article highlights that the TPS method can accurately predict the thermal properties of small sample sizes. In addition, specific heat capacity can be measured using slightly longer experiments. The measured properties agree with their literature values, and have high precision....


The measurement of the thermal conductivity of solid aggregates using the transient plane source technique

For the prediction of thermal conductivity using theoretical models of a composite or mixture of components, the thermal conductivities of the individual components must be known. In this study, the needle probe method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of a mixture of powder and fluid, and using the law of mixtures (Hashin-Shtrikman bounds) the thermal conductivity of the solid phase is estimated. A much simpler method exists though ...

Author(s): , , ,