Knowing the thermophysical properties of insulating building materials is essential in understanding heat loss. In this study, the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of five marble samples were measured using the transient plane source (TPS) technique and compared to results obtained through the transient hot strip (THS) method. The TPS technique is nearly twenty times the initial resistance of the THS method and does not require small sample sizes or ...
The ceramic Cecorite 130P was analyzed using the transient plane source (TPS) technique in order to measure the thermal conductivity in the range from 88 to 280 K. Fused quartz samples were also investigated in order to ensure the technique worked at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The thermal conductivity of Cecorite 130P was determined to have a slight dependence on temperature, with a maximum around 170 K....
Using the dynamic plane source (DPS) technique, the thermal properties of highly and lowly thermally conducting materials were measured. The theory behind the technique is explained, and three well known materials are analyzed and the accuracy of the method is found to be within 5% of the actual value....
The TPS technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of three different steel samples, which allowed the researchers to analyze the steel critically. Specifically look at was the dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature from room temperature up to 300°C. The obtained results were compared values obtained from other research groups....