
Author(s): Heping Zhang, Lunlun Gong, Ruifang Zhang, Xudong Cheng, Yonghong Wang

Keywords: composites, effective medium theory (emt) equation, foaming, heat conduction, maxwell-eucken model, microstructure, porosity, porous mullite, starch consolidation, temperature, thermal conductivity, transient plane source (tps), transient plane source (tps) method, uniformity

Abstract: Porous materials have widespread industrial applications. In this study, mullite materials with porosities between 72-86 vol% were fabricated and a thermal analyzer (TPS) measured their thermal conductivity using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Results showed that as the porosity of the mullite materials decreased, thermal conductivity increased.

Reference: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 67 (2013) 253-259

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.08.008