
Author(s): Alexander A. Balandin, Desalegne Teweldebrhan

Keywords: alloys, bismuth telluride, crystalline, films, thermal conductivity, transient planar source (tps) technique, transient plane source (tps) technique

Abstract: This article examined the properties of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) after “graphene-inspired” exfoliation left its crystalline films with a thickness of a few atoms. The thermal conductivities were found using the transient plane source (TPS) technique and the laser-flash method. An instrument was used for obtaining the thermal conductivity with the TPS technique. It was found that the exfoliated thin films have low thermal conductivity, relatively high electrical conductivity, and enhanced thermoelectric properties.

Reference: ECS Transactions (2010), 33:103-117

DOI: 10.1149/1.3485611