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Recommended Papers for: Bismuth Telluride

Total Papers Found: 2

“Graphene-Like” Exfoliation of Atomically-Thin Films of Bi2Te3 and Related Materials: Applications in Thermoelectrics and Topological Insulators

This article examined the properties of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) after “graphene-inspired” exfoliation left its crystalline films with a thickness of a few atoms. The thermal conductivities were found using the transient plane source (TPS) technique and the laser-flash method. An instrument was used for obtaining the thermal conductivity with the TPS technique. It was found that the exfoliated thin films have low thermal conductivity, relatively ...

Author(s): ,

Mechanically-exfoliated stacks of thin films of Bi2Te3 topological insulators with enhanced thermoelectric performance

The 'graphene-like' mechanical exfoliation of Bi2Te3 films is shown to have a significant effect on the thermoelectric properties of these films. The modification of thermal conductivity due to exfoliation leads to enhanced thermoelectric properties, known as figures of merit (ZT).Two different experimental techniques were used in order to determine the thermal conductivity of the exfoliated films: transient plane source (TPS) and laser flash technique (LFT). Annealing was performed ...

Author(s): , ,