
Author(s): Genjiu Xu, Junwei Gu, Qiuyu Zhang, Tengbo Ma, Xiao Zhong, Yang Li, Yongqiang Guo

Keywords: boron nitride, composites, fillers, mechanical properties, polymer-matrix composites, thermal conductivity, transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: In the present study, boron nitride/dicyclopentadiene bisphenol cyanate ester/bisphenol A dicyanate ester (BN/DCPDCE/BADCy) composites were investigated for the effects of filler mass on thermal and mechanical properties. Thermal conductivity was measured using an instrument by transient plane source method. With the addition of BN fillers for BN/DCPDCE/BADCy composites, the BN-BN connections of inner composites increased and formed more thermally conductive channels, resulting in improved thermal conductivity.

Reference: Composites: Part A (2018)

DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2018.02.006