Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 38

Thermophysical Properties of Porous Sandstones: Measurements and Comparative Study of Some Representative Thermal Conductivity Models

The thermal properties of five sandstones were measured. The sandstones were taken from the base of Khewra located in Pakistan. The thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat capacity were determined using the transient plane source technique, and the porosity and density of the sandstone samples were also determined. A formula for the estimation of thermal conductivity was modified to better fit the experimental data, and it was determined that ...

Author(s): ,

Effect of dispersion capability of organoclay on cellular structure and physical properties of PMMA/clay nanocomposite foams

The authors prepared PMMA/clay composites by the in situ bulk polymerization method. The prepared composites were characterized by FT-IR, WAXRD, SEM, TEM, DMA and the transient plane source (TPS) technique to measure thermal conductivity. Not only were the thermal properties of the composites studied, but physical and chemical properties as well....

Author(s): , , , , , , ,

Thermal Properties of the Hybrid Graphene-Metal NanoMicro-Composites: Applications in Thermal Interface Materials

As electronic devices become smaller, power densities increase and so do hotspot temperatures, leading to a need for materials that can exchange heat better. The materials that facilitate this heat exchange are called thermal interface materials (TIMs). Graphene has been shown to demonstrate superior thermal conductivity and a particular form called few-layer graphene (FLG) was used in this project. A novel TIM was created by the mixing of a silver ...

Author(s): ,

Thermal Conductivity of Methane Hydrate Formed from Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Solution

A sample of methane hydrate was prepared and analyzed by the TPS method (from 263 K to 278 K) in order to determine the thermal conductivity of the sample. The methane hydrate was prepared from methane gas and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution. The thermal conductivity of the impacted sample was compared to that of the unimpacted sample. It was determined that methane hydrate has glasslike thermal properties....

Author(s): ,

Transient plane source measurements of the thermal properties of hydrating cement pastes

Since cracking in concrete is usually caused by thermal processes, relevant thermophysical properties such as heat capacity and thermal conductivity are important. This article details the measurement of thermal conductivity and heat capacity using the transient plane source method of two different (0.3 and 0.4) water-to-cement (w/c) ratio hydrated cement pastes. These thermophysical properties are measured during the initial application of the cement as well as over a period of 28 days. ...
