
Author(s): Dale P. Bentz

Keywords: analysis, bounds, ccrl, cement, cement and concrete reference laboratory, cement and concrete reference laboratory (ccrl) cement proficiency sample 152, cement proficiency sample 152, concrete, h-s, hashin-shtrikman, hashin-shtrikman (h-s) bounds, heat capacity, hydrating cement pastes, law of mixtures, loi, loss-on-ignition, loss-on-ignition (loi) analysis, ni foil encased in kapton, radius probe, radius probe (ni foil encased in kapton), temperature, thermal conductivity, tps, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps), water-to-cement mass ratio (w/c)

Abstract: Since cracking in concrete is usually caused by thermal processes, relevant thermophysical properties such as heat capacity and thermal conductivity are important. This article details the measurement of thermal conductivity and heat capacity using the transient plane source method of two different (0.3 and 0.4) water-to-cement (w/c) ratio hydrated cement pastes. These thermophysical properties are measured during the initial application of the cement as well as over a period of 28 days. Also explored is how cement curing conditions (sealed or saturated) affect these properties. The experimentally obtained values are compared to a simple law of mixtures formula. The thermal conductivity of the original cement powder is not reported in literature and so using the Hashin-Shtrikman (H-S) bounds this value is approximated.

Reference: Materials and Structures, Volume 40, Issue 10, (2007) pp 1073-1080

DOI: 10.1617/s11527-006-9206-9