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Total Papers Found: 8

Thermal effusivity testing with the thermal constants analyzer

The Transient Plane Source method (TPS) simultaneously measures thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. This paper investigates the possibilities of using sensors, to record the thermal effusivity of a substrate. With the original method, the thermal effusivity of uniaxial, homogeneous materials in the through-plane direction can be estimated. Tests were performed to analyze the differences in single-sided vs. double-sided testing. For 1-dimensional samples, where heat flow is controlled along the sample, ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Measurement of thermophysical properties in semi-infinite media by random heating and fractional model identification 

This article briefly explains the transient plane source technique. This method is used to simultaneously measure thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of solids. A Kapton insulated nickel sensor emits electrical currents into a sample that is sandwiched around the heat source which measures thermal properties....

Author(s): , ,

The development of a standard for contact transient methods of measurement of thermophysical properties 

Transient methods are often preferred to steady-state methods when testing the thermophysical properties of materials because of they are simple to use, can quickly produce measurements, and can simultaneously test three thermal properties. There are two factors that influence the accuracy of contact transient testing that must be accounted for when developing a standard: measurement time, and the geometry of the sample and the sensor. To demonstrate this point, when ...

Author(s): , ,

Transient thermal conductivity measurements: comparison of destructive and nondestructive techniques

The author compares some currently existing method of measuring thermal conductivity and elaborates on a couple of newer methods. The pre-existing methods include hot wire and laser flash diffusivity, and the newly introduced methods are the modified how wire (MHW) and transient plane source (TPS) techniques. The necessary conditions (samples sizes, sample composition, test times, etc) are explained for the two newly introduced techniques. Experimental runs are carried out using ...


An extension to the dynamic plane source technique for measuring thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of dielectric solids

Using the dynamic plane source (DPS) technique, the thermal properties of highly and lowly thermally conducting materials were measured. The theory behind the technique is explained, and three well known materials are analyzed and the accuracy of the method is found to be within 5% of the actual value....

Author(s): , , ,