Transient methods are often preferred to steady-state methods when testing the thermophysical properties of materials because of they are simple to use, can quickly produce measurements, and can simultaneously test three thermal properties. There are two factors that influence the accuracy of contact transient testing that must be accounted for when developing a standard: measurement time, and the geometry of the sample and the sensor. To demonstrate this point, when ...
This paper highlights the use of the transient plane source (TPS) technique to test the thermal properties of porous building materials, such as autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate boards reinforced by cellulose fibers. Transient methods relay multiple thermophysical parameters, such as thermal diffusivity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity, all in one measurement – a highly sought after trait. Measurements were performed to compare the transient method to other methods of ...
This article analyzes the basic criteria for determining experimental times to use in thermal conductivity experiments, using the thermal constants analyzer. Researchers have determined an interval to which test times correlate, for accurate thermal conductivity and diffusivity results. During this research, scientists also determined the possibility of testing both thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity from one single measurement. Throughout this experiment, the researchers also expanded on the theory, calculations and ...