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Recommended Papers for: Olivier Fudym

Total Papers Found: 2

Measurement of thermophysical properties in semi-infinite media by random heating and fractional model identification 

This article briefly explains the transient plane source technique. This method is used to simultaneously measure thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of solids. A Kapton insulated nickel sensor emits electrical currents into a sample that is sandwiched around the heat source which measures thermal properties....

Author(s): , ,

The thermophysical characterization of soils

Understanding the thermal properties of soils is important for applications in agronomy and engineering. The aim of this study was to examine the thermal properties of volcanically-derived Chilean soils using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method. Results showed that thermal conductivity decreased with water content and with increasing amounts of organic carbon. Alternatively, soils with increased concentrations of crystalline compounds exhibited higher thermal conductivities. Results of this paper conclude that ...

Author(s): , , , , ,