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Recommended Papers for: Diamond

Total Papers Found: 4

Optimization of sintering parameters for diamond-copper composites in conventional sintering and their thermal conductivity

In this study, sintering parameters in conventional pressure-less sintering are analyzed and the effects of uncoated, Cu(Ni)-coated, and Cr-coated diamond particles are compared for their bulk thermal conductivities. Thermal conductivity was measured at room temperature using a Thermal Constant Analyzer. The addition of diamond particles caused a decrease in the thermal conductivity due to facial air gaps in the composites....

Author(s): ,

Thermal properties and moisture absorption of nanofillers-filled epoxy composite thin film for electronic application

The effects of the addition of three different fillers to a polymer matrix on the thermo-physical properties of the resulting composites were investigated by the authors. Boron nitride, synthetic diamond, and silicon nitride were used as the fillers (up to 2 vol. %), and it was found that their addition did increase the thermal conductivity relative to that of the pure epoxy matrix. Furthermore, it was determined that the thermal conductivities of ...

Author(s): , ,

Numerical investigation of the effect of interfacial thermal resistance upon the thermal conductivity of copper/diamond composites 

Diamond is an extremely conductive material that would be ideal for dissipating heat in microelectronics if it were not for its high price tag. In this study, cost effective copper- and chromium-diamond composites (uncoated (Cu/D), Cu-coated (Cu/CuD), and Cr-coated (Cu/CrD)) were produced to determine their potential use in heat sink applications. A Thermal Constant Analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the matrix and composite samples using the ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal conductivity enhancement with different fillers for epoxy resin adhesives

As technology advances, improving the efficiency of heat dissipation by thermal adhesives in electronic devices is becoming increasingly important. In this study, a thermal constants analyzer measured the thermal conductivities of eight different epoxy resin thermal adhesives using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the layer-structure fillers enhanced the thermal conductivity of the epoxy matrix the most, while the sharp corner-shaped fillers had the lowest impact on ...

Author(s): , , ,