Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Cement

Total Papers Found: 13

Estimation of the thermal properties of hardened cement paste on the basis of guarded heat flow meter measurements

A new analysis method based on the guarded heat flow meter apparatus is proposed to measure the thermal properties of cement-based pastes in a hydrated form. In a steady state, a specimen with 0.4 water-to-cement ratio was found to have a thermal conductivity and a thermal contact resistance of 1.28Wm−1 K−1 and 0.038 m−2 KW−1. A computerized system of heat flow meters provided non-steady ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal conductivity measurements of Kaolite

The purpose of this study was to measure the thermal conductivity of cementitious Kaolite 1600 for its potential to replace the radioactive materials in ES-2 containers. A thermal constants analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the Kaolite samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that despite different densities, the thermal conductivities of the samples were similar up to 100 °C.  Similar to ceramics and other insulating materials, the thermal ...


Experimental Evaluation of Thermal Properties of Grouting Materials 

This article studies the thermal properties of grout used in geothermal energy applications. A number of different cement based sealants were analyzed by the authors to understand how the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity change as they are exposed to conditions similar to what they withstand when they are in use. Moisture content was of particular importance, as the porous grouts easily absorb the groundwater that they come in contact ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal Properties of Oil Palm Shell Lightweight Concrete with Different Mix Designs 

This study investigated the use of oil palm shell as an additive for use in concrete. As the construction industry searches for methods to increase sustainability, using by-products produced by other industries to reduce the amount of cement required to produce concrete has become more popular, Oil palm shell is available in large quantities as an industrial waste product, is lightweight, and has the potential to help with thermal insulation. ...

Author(s): , ,

Numerical simulation of heat and mass transport during hydration of Portland cement mortar in semi-adiabatic and steam curing conditions

A numerical model is developed to describe the thermal conductivity, hydration, and moisture content of Portland cement mortar specimens. In order to develop the model, the thermal conductivity and specific heat of the mortar specimens were measured using the transient plane source method. The model was able to correctly describe the evolution of heat and the degree of hydration in both semi-adiabatic and steam curing conditions....

Author(s): , , ,