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Total Papers Found: 39

Freeze/Thaw Resistance of Mortar with Recycled Tyre Waste at Varying Particle Sizes

There is a growing concern for finding alternative solutions to construction materials in order to minimize their environmental impact as well as enhancing their service life. This study investigated the durability of cementitious mortars prepared by replacing fine aggregate (sand) with recycled tyre shreds and crumbs, aiming at providing an alternative outlet to tyre waste disposal. Tyre shreds obtained at different particle ...


Durability of Ternary Blended Concrete Incorporating Rice Husk Ash and Calcined Clay

Research on the combined substitution of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) has already demonstrated that it might be one of the few viable options to produce low-carbon concrete at scale. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the performance and durability of rice husk ash (RHA) and calcined clay (CC) in ternary blended concrete exposed to chloride attacks under wet/dry cycles. ...

Author(s): , , , , , , , ,

Estimation of the thermal properties of hardened cement paste on the basis of guarded heat flow meter measurements

A new analysis method based on the guarded heat flow meter apparatus is proposed to measure the thermal properties of cement-based pastes in a hydrated form. In a steady state, a specimen with 0.4 water-to-cement ratio was found to have a thermal conductivity and a thermal contact resistance of 1.28Wm−1 K−1 and 0.038 m−2 KW−1. A computerized system of heat flow meters provided non-steady ...

Author(s): , ,

Lightweight clay-based concretes formulated withwood aggregates: hygrothermal behaviour

Insulating materials were made from recycled clay waste using technologies developed by the author were tested for their thermal conductivity using the transient line source technique over a temperature range of 0-60°C. The clay used was mainly composed of kaolinite. A weight reduction was obtained by using wood aggregates. Different weight percentages of wood aggregates (0, 25, 30, 40, 50%) and the thermal conductivity curves are ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal probe technology for buildings: the transition from laboratory to field measurements

This article describes an attempt to modify the transient line source probe to be useful in making in-situ measurements in the field. The field of construction, as well as many others would benefit if a new thermal probe could be applied to uncontrolled environments. Three case study buildings have been considered to ascertain the validity and reliability of this new technique in ...

Author(s): , , ,