Category: Transient Plane Source
Author(s): A. BaC/ri, A. Martin-GarC-n, I. BaC/ri, J.A. MillC!n-GarcC-a, N. Nithyadevi
Keywords: building equipment control, electronics, free convection, junction temperature, quad flat non lead, thermal conductivity, thermal control, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method
Abstract: Quad Flat Non-Lead (QFN) devices are sensors used in building designs to control electronic equipment. The temperature of the QFN sometimes exceeds its maximum threshold, which this is primarily due to the encapsulating resin. In this study, the thermal conductivity of the resin was tested for the QFN16b, QFN32b, and QFN64b using the Transient Plane Source (TPS). Power levels between 0.1 W and 1.0 W were administered through the TPS method, and resin thermal conductivity was measured between -80% and +100% of its average value. Results showed that the thermal conductivity of the resin does affect the maximum thermal threshold of the device, but by using more conductive resin rather than insulating resin, low junction temperatures can be maintained below the maximum thresholds, and the reliability of the product will improve.
Reference: Energy and Buildings, 141 (2017) 218-225
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.02.022