
Author(s): E. Solorzano, J. A. de Saja, J. I. Velasco, M. A. RodriB-guez-Perez, M. Antunes, Miguel-Cngel RodrC-guez-PC)rez, V. Realinho

Keywords: carbon nanofibers, carbon nanofibers (cnfs), cnf, compression-moulding, differential scanning calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry (dsc), dsc, electrical conductivity, fillers, foam density, high performance, nanofibre volume fraction, polymer composites, polypropylene, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, specific surface area, tem, thermal conductivity, tps technique, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method, transmission electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (tem)

Abstract: The present study look at the creation of unfilled and carbon nanofibre (CNF)-filled polypropylene (PP) foams, and their subsequent testing of thermal and mechanical properties. The testing of thermal properties was accomplished by the TPS Technique and determined that when using up to 20 wt.% CNF as filler there was no increase in thermal conductivity of any of the sample foams. Therefore it was decided that it was the foamed matrix that was responsible for the thermal conductivity of a given CNF-PP composite instead of the amount of CNF used, as was hypothesized by the researchers. Increasing amounts of CNF in the PP matrix resulted in increasingly finer isotropic cell structures and also decreasing cell size.

Reference: Defect and Diffusion Forum, 297-301 (2010) 996-1001

DOI: 10.4028/