
Author(s): Bridget Zimny, Jason M. Keith, Julia A. King, Kara M. Lenhart

Keywords: fillers, fuel cell, graphite, in-plane thermal conductivity, lcps, liquid-crystalline polymers, liquid-crystalline polymers (lcps), nielsen model, polyacrylonitrile carbon, polymer composites, resin, thermoplastic matrix, through-plane thermal conductivity

Abstract: Various polyacrylonitrile carbon fillers (Ketjenblack carbon black, Thermocarb synthetic graphite, Fortafil 243 carbon fiber, and Panex 30 carbon fiber) were added to a thermoplastic matrix in the hopes of generating a thermally conductive resin that could be used as bipolar plates in fuel cells. These composites were then tested for through-plane thermal conductivity using the Nielsen model which was a function of the single filler volume fraction. The authors also developed a new empirical model used to measure the in-plane thermal conductivity of composites containing synthetic graphite or carbon fiber.

Reference: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 105, 6 (2007) 3309-3316

DOI: 10.1002/app.26607