Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: In-Plane Thermal Conductivity

Total Papers Found: 6

Effects of carbon fillers on the thermal conductivity of highly filled liquid-crystal polymer based resins

Carbon/liquid-crystal polymer composites were formulated. Composites containing one of three types of carbon filler, composites containing two types of carbon filler, and composites containing all three types of carbon filler were prepared to test not only the effect of each filler on the thermal conductivity of the composite, but also the effect of combining fillers. The anisotropic method on a TPS system was used for the thermal conductivity measurements. ...

Author(s): , , ,

Synergistic Effects of Carbon Fillers in Thermally Conductive Liquid Crystal Polymer Based Resins

Three different carbons (carbon black, synthetic graphite particles and carbon fiber) were added to Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer in order to synthesize different composites for use in fuel cells. The carbon fillers were used individually and also in combination with other carbon fillers. A TPS was used to measure the thermal conductivities of the synthesized composites. It was found that the use of synthetic graphite particles as the ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal conductivity of carbon fiber/liquid crystal polymer composites

Two different types of polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers (Fortafil 243 and Panex 30) were added to thermoplastic matrix (Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer) in order to generate carbon fiber/liquid-crystal polymer composites. The in plane and through-plane thermal conductivities of these composites were then evaluated and compared to values generated from a theoretical model, with good agreement. Panex 30 gave higher in-plane thermal conductivity than Fortafil 243 for all volume fractions studied....

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal conductivity models for carbon/liquid crystal polymer composites

Various polyacrylonitrile carbon fillers (Ketjenblack carbon black, Thermocarb synthetic graphite, Fortafil 243 carbon fiber, and Panex 30 carbon fiber) were added to a thermoplastic matrix in the hopes of generating a thermally conductive resin that could be used as bipolar plates in fuel cells. These composites were then tested for through-plane thermal conductivity using the Nielsen model which was a function of the single filler volume fraction. The authors also developed a ...

Author(s): , , ,

Measuring and predicting in-plane thermal conductivity of carbon-filled nylon 6,6 polymer composites

Two different types of carbon (synthetic graphite particles and carbon fiber) were added to nylon 6,6 and then these composites were tested using the transient plane source method in order to determine the through-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities. The thermal conductivities were found to be proportional to the volume percent of carbon added. A simple empirical model was also developed in order to estimate in-plane thermal conductivities for a range of ...

Author(s): , , , ,