
Author(s): A. Ortona, Alain Celzard, Antonio Pizzi, C. Zollfrank, G. Amaral-Labat, S. Pusterla, V. Fierro

Keywords: cellular ceramics, ceramics, mercury porosimetry, raman microscopy, resin, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, tga, thermal conductivity, thermogravimetric analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (tga), transient plane source method, x-ray diffraction, x-ray diffraction (xrd), xrd

Abstract: Si-SiC composite foams were prepared using tannin-based foams as templates. The foams were prepared by four different methods for the determination of which method would best produce a foam with a pore size under 200 µm. The foam samples were characterized by SEM, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy, and the thermal conductivity of one of the foams was investigated by the transient plane source method. It was found that direct infiltration of liquid silicon resulted in a reticulated foam having the same structure as that of the template foam; however, the produced foam was less resistant to oxidation than the template. It was therefore concluded that more work had to be done to optimize the materials presented in the article.

Reference: Ceramics International 39 (2013) 1841–1851

DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.08.032