
Author(s): Ci-Ling Pan, Peichen Yu, Rone-Hwa Chou, Ting-Gang Chen

Keywords: air volume ratio, boltzmann transport equation, composites, doping, electroless-etching, eprt, equation of phonon radiative transfer, equation of phonon radiative transfer (eprt) model, materials, model, nanowire length, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, silicon nanowire, silicon nanowire (sinw) composites, sinw, te, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermoelectric, thermoelectric (te) materials

Abstract: Vertically-aligned silicon nanowires (SiNWs) are investigated for their use as thermoelectric materials. Using a silver-induced electroless-etching method, SiNWs of varying lengths are prepared, which are expected to have lower thermal conductivities as compared to bulk silicon. A thermal constants analyzer is used to perform the thermal analysis of the SiNWs, and thermal conductivity values are reduced by up to 43%. Theoretical models are then used to explain the quantitative results obtained by thermal analysis of the nanowires.

Reference: Optics Express, 18, 103 (2010) A467-A476

DOI: 10.1364/OE.18.00A467