Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Phonon thermal conductivity suppression of bulk silicon nanowire composites for efficient thermoelectric conversion

Vertically-aligned silicon nanowires (SiNWs) are investigated for their use as thermoelectric materials. Using a silver-induced electroless-etching method, SiNWs of varying lengths are prepared, which are expected to have lower thermal conductivities as compared to bulk silicon. A thermal constants analyzer is used to perform the thermal analysis of the SiNWs, and thermal conductivity values are reduced by up to 43%. Theoretical models are then used to explain the quantitative results obtained ...

Author(s): , , ,

Analysis for composite zeolite/foam aluminum-water mass recovery adsorption refrigeration system driven by engine exhaust heat

A new composite zeolite/foam aluminum material is synthesized and its suitability for use in an adsorptive refrigeration system is studied. Current automobile air conditioning systems use vapor compression refrigeration systems which have environmentally unfriendly chemicals and use a significant portion of the engine power of the vehicle. The newly proposed composite zeolite/foam aluminum would work by using the engines heat in order to run the air conditioning systems, ...

Author(s): , ,