
Author(s): Venkatesh Kodur, Wasim Khaliq

Keywords: concrete, fac, fire protection, fly-ash concrete, fly-ash concrete (fac), high-strength concrete, high-strength concrete (hsc), hsc, scc, self-consolidating concrete, self-consolidating concrete (scc), specific heat, temperature, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion

Abstract: The goal of this study was to obtain information on thermal properties of three types of concrete over a wide temperature range (20°C to 800°C). The three types of concrete are: high-strength concrete (HSC), self-consolidating concrete (SCC) and fly-ash concrete (FAC). The thermal data collected included thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion of the concrete samples using the TPS method. The effect of steel, propylene and other hybrid fibers in HSC and SCC was also investigated. The data obtained from the experimental results were used in order to create simplified expressions for expressing thermal properties as a function of temperature.

Reference: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 23, 6 (2011) 793-801

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000225