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Recommended Papers for: Wasim Khaliq

Total Papers Found: 4

Effect of Temperature on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Steel Bolts

High-strength steel used in bolts was tested for its thermo-physical properties in order to determine how steel bolts would respond in a fire. It was determined that the thermal and mechanical properties of the steel were dependent on temperature, and that the thermal conductivity of the steel was also dependent on carbon content. The thermal conductivity of the three types of steel that were tested was found to be the ...

Author(s): , ,

High temperature thermal properties of vanadium steel 

The high temperature fire resistance of vanadium is not well documented, so its properties are usually approximated to the same as conventional structural steels. The goal of this study is to determine the properties that influence the fire resistance of structural steel, thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal elongation. Thermal conductivity and specific heat were both determined through a transient plane source (TPS) method. Vanadium and A36 steel were both ...


Effect of Temperature on Thermal Properties of Different Types of High-Strength Concrete

The goal of this study was to obtain information on thermal properties of three types of concrete over a wide temperature range (20°C to 800°C). The three types of concrete are: high-strength concrete (HSC), self-consolidating concrete (SCC) and fly-ash concrete (FAC). The thermal data collected included thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion of the concrete samples using the TPS method. The effect of steel, propylene and other hybrid fibers ...

Author(s): ,

Thermal and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced high performance self-consolidating concrete at elevated temperatures

The thermal and mechanical properties of 4 different types of concrete were studied in the temperature range of 20°C to 800°C. Thermal properties studied include: thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion. Data generated from the testing of these samples using the TPS method were used in order to generate simplified expressions of thermal and mechanical properties as a function of time....

Author(s): ,