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Recommended Papers for: Transient Plane Source

Total Papers Found: 287

The development of a microfabricated transient planar source (TPS) sensor for measuring thermal conductivity of nanofluids

The addition of thermally conductive nanoparticles to conventional heat transfer fluids enhances their performance so they can be used for high-powered applications. However, as nanoparticles are added, the liquid becomes more viscous, which decreases thermal conductivity. Changing the pH of the solution can control the clustering of nanoparticles to maintain and even enhance thermal conductivity. This study used the transient plane source (TPS) method to measure the thermal conductivity of ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Experimental measurements of the volumetric heat transfer coefficient between forced air and sand at Reynold’s numbers relevant to smouldering combustion

Smouldering combustion is a slow, low-temperature form of combustion that is used to improve soil health. Extensive research has yet to be completed about smouldering liquid hydrocarbons in a stationary porous medium such as coal tar in sand. This study examined heat transfer in sand under simulated smouldering combustion conditions. The Thermal Constants Analyser was used to measure the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat of sand at heightened ...

Author(s): , ,

Pelletized composite wood fiber mixed with plastic as advanced solid biofuels: thermo-chemical analysis

Finding uses for plastic is becoming increasingly important because it has one of the lowest recycling rates among fabricated materials. Wood, on the other hand, is a natural material that is referred to as biomass and is being used as a clean energy source. Researchers are now looking to form a composite pellet of wood and plastic which would simultaneously increase the value of the fuel while providing a practical ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal design of a sensor for building control equipped with QFN electronic devices subjected to free convection. Effects of the encapsulating resin

Quad Flat Non-Lead (QFN) devices are sensors used in building designs to control electronic equipment. The temperature of the QFN sometimes exceeds its maximum threshold, which this is primarily due to the encapsulating resin. In this study, the thermal conductivity of the resin was tested for the QFN16b, QFN32b, and QFN64b using the Transient Plane Source (TPS). Power levels between 0.1 W and 1.0 W were administered through the ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Experimental measurement of thermophysical properties of H2O/KCOOH (potassium formate) desiccant

H2O/KCOOH (potassium formate) is a highly soluble hygroscopic salt solution that has the potential to be used as a desiccant. However, the thermophysical properties of H2O/KCOOH are only available for concentrations between 20-50%, which is not beneficial for their use as dehumidifiers. In this paper, a TPS system was used to measure the thermal conductivity of H2O/KCOOH solution with salt concentrations of 60-80% between 1 °...

Author(s): ,