Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 2

Characterization of microstructural, mechanical and thermal properties and ageing study of Th–3 wt.% U alloy

This article aimed to obtain more information on the microstructural, mechanical, thermo-physical, and ageing aspects of the Th-3 wt.% U alloy. The thermal conductivity of the Th-3U alloy was found at room temperature using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. It was found that the room temperature thermal conductivity of Th–3U alloy (35.6 W/m◦C) is superior to that of unalloyed uranium, existing oxide, and metallic fuel materials....

Author(s): , , , , , , , ,

Parameter Optimization for Measuring Thermal Properties of Electronic Materials using the Transient Plane Source Technique

In the electronic industry, manufacturers depend on accurate thermal conductivity testing methods to characterize their new products, and perform quality control maintenance on continuing materials. This paper assesses the ability of the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique to accurately characterize newly developed materials, for their use in novel electronic applications. Using the TPS technique, various silicone based electronic materials, of differing filler contents, were thermally characterized and examined for their ...

Author(s): , ,