
Author(s): B.S.S. Daniel, G. K. Dey, G.P. Chaudhari, K .N. Hareendran, Raj Kumar, S.B. Roy, Santanu Das, Santu Kaity, Suman Neogy

Keywords: alloys, kinetics, microstructural, slab, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, thermophysical, thorium, transient plane source (tps) technique, uranium

Abstract: This article aimed to obtain more information on the microstructural, mechanical, thermo-physical, and ageing aspects of the Th-3 wt.% U alloy. The thermal conductivity of the Th-3U alloy was found at room temperature using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. It was found that the room temperature thermal conductivity of Th–3U alloy (35.6 W/m◦C) is superior to that of unalloyed uranium, existing oxide, and metallic fuel materials.

Reference: Nuclear Engineering and Design (2015), 282:116-125

DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.11.023