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Recommended Papers for: thermal contact resistance

Total Papers Found: 16

An improved transient plane source method for measuring thermal conductivity of thin films: Deconvoluting thermal contact resistance

This study experiments with the new and improved transient plane source (TPS) method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thin-films. The existing TPS method for measuring thin-films experiences the effect of thermal contact resistance. In this experiment, a thermal constants analyzer is used to investigate the precision and efficacy of the new method. This modified method looks to resolve the issues surrounding contact resistance, with eliminating the need for reference ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal contact resistance of epoxy composites incorporated with nano-copper particles and the multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Raw multi-walled carbon nanotubes (r-MWCNTs) and Cu nanoparticles are dispersed in an epoxy matrix in varying quantities to create composite polymers with enhanced thermal conductivities. A study was then conducted to determine if the boundary thermal contact resistance could be reduced by increasing the thermal conductivity. The boundary thermal contact resistance was found to be approximately constant across all samples containing the copper nanoparticles. The boundary thermal contact resistance was ...

Author(s): , ,

Advanced Transient Plane Source Method for the Measurement of Thermal Properties of High Pressure Metal Hydrides

This article described an experimental set up using the TPS instrument and a high pressure vessel to enable researchers to accurately measures the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides as a function of pressure. Metal hydrides have promise in applications of hydrogen storage in the auto industry, however a better understanding of their thermal properties is required. The authors investigated thermal conductivity, diffusivity, specific heat and thermal contact resistance. Experimental trials ...

Author(s): , , ,

Predictions of effective thermal conductivities for three-dimensional four-directional braided composites using the lattice Boltzmann method

The authors present a multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model with an off-diagonal collision matrix for use in predicting the thermal conductivity of anisotropic heterogeneous materials with anisotropic components. Model accuracy was first confirmed through comparison with previous simulation results. In this paper the model was applied to measure the tranverse and longitudinal thermal conductivities of 3D4D braided composites. The TPS method was used to measure the conductivities experimentally for comparison ...

Author(s): , , ,

Characterization of anisotropic and irregularly-shaped materials by high-sensitive thermal conductivity measurements

The transient plane source (TPS) technique has a wide range of applications because of its capability to test solids, liquids, powders, and anisotropic materials over a range of sizes. Thermal properties of thin films and coatings can also be characterized using the TPS method if the samples are placed between the sensor and a bulk background. To minimize errors with the TPS method, use identical materials on each side of ...

Author(s): ,