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Recommended Papers for: thermal contact resistance

Total Papers Found: 16

Green, formaldehyde-free, foams for thermal insulation

This paper presents the idea of flavonoid foams that are manufactured from natural resources rather than formaldehyde-containing tannin-based foams. A TPS instrument measured the thermal conductivity of the foams using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Results show that the flavonoid foams are a better choice than tannin-based foams because they have a lower thermal conductivity which makes them more insulative and fire resistant, and they do not release toxic ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

A quadrupolar complete model

The transient plane source (TPS) method, was used for the determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of solid materials. Researchers developed a model based on the thermal quadrupoles formalism to represent the temperature variation. This model was able to take in account the thermal contact resistance of the material and the thermal inertia. The TPS method makes it possible to calculate the parameters estimation on all the recorded temperature ...

Author(s): ,

A numerical study on the influence of insulating layer of the sensor on the thermal conductivity measuring accuracy 

In this study, the thermal properties of stainless steel, ceramic, and silica aerogels were numerically calculated and then compared to actual test results. A thermal constants analyser measured the thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities of the samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the values generated by the numerical simulation were within ±3% of the TPS method values, which verifies the reliability and accuracy of the numerical ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Theoretical and experimental study of the thermal conductivity of nanoporous media

This study aims to understand the thermal conductivity of nanoscale porous material. Macroscale simulations of thermal conductivity were revised to predict the thermal conductivity of nanoscale porous material. Using the thermal constants analyzer, two packed beds of nanoscale nickel particles and a single packed bed of microscale nickel particles were measured for their effective thermal conductivities. Results concluded the thermal conductivity of the solid particles was higher than the thermal ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal contact resistance of cured gel polymeric thermal interface material

Thermal interface materials are used to enhance the contact between two pieces of an electronic, to ultimately reduce the temperature and improve performance. This paper researches the contact resistance of curable polymer gels, a thermal interface material (TIMs). These TIM polymer gels have quite different mechanical properties thanks to the rheology of the polymer itself. Alongside physical testing, the researchers proposed a model to predict the thermal contact resistance of ...

Author(s): ,