Electronics packaging is fast paced area of research as scientists work to keep up with the new demands of smaller, more powerful electronic devices. In this study, researchers looked at how the manufacturing technique used to create vapour grown carbon nanofiber (VGCNF)/rubbery epoxy composites affects the thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the final product. Samples were produced by one of three methods: mechanical mixing (MM), three-roll ...
Thermal energy storage (TES) is incredibly important to expanding the field of renewable energy. In this study, the authors look at the potential of composite phase change materials (PCMs) for use in this application. A ball milling method was used to exfoliate expanded graphite in nanosheets that could be added to eicosane to create composite materials. Composites with nanosheets of various sizes were created, and the effect of cooling rate ...
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have extremely high thermal conductivity and can raise the thermal conductivity of a polymer matrix when used as an additive. Previous research has shown that random CNT orientation in polymer matrices gives a much lower thermal conductivity value than a specific alignment direction. This project tested the thermal conductivity of oils and polymers. Results were encouraging, with the thermal conductivity of the composites increasing linearly with the ...
This study is to determine the thermal properties of a paraffin/red brick composite to determine its viability as a form-stable phase change material. Extended graphite was also added to the composite to improve its thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity for this material was measured using a transient plane source (TPS) method. By adding the paraffin, the thermal conductivity of the composite increase, also by adding extended graphite the thermal ...
Silicone materials have high electrical and thermal insulation properties that are useful for engineering applications. In this study, vapour grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) were produced by two different methods and were added to silicone rubber to improve conductivity. A thermal constant analyser measured the thermal conductivities of the silicone and its composites using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that thermal conductivities of the roll-mill produced VGCNF/silicone ...