
Author(s): A. Maqsood, B. M. Suleiman, E. Karawacki, I. Ul-Haq

Keywords: bardeen-rickayzen-tewordt, bardeen-rickayzen-tewordt (brt) theory, brt, electrical resistivity, porosity, sintered compounds, superconductors, theory, thermal conductivity, tps technique, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method, wiedeman-franz law

Abstract: A series of Er and Y sintered compounds were prepared and were subsequently tested for their thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity. The transient plane source (TPS) technique was used for the thermal conductivity measurement. These compounds were designed for use as superconductors and the authors wanted to study the electron-phonon interaction near the vicinity of Tc.

Reference: Physical Review B, 48, 6 (1993) 4095

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.48.4095