
Author(s): H. Lu, J. Wang, L. Song, P. Zhang, Q. Liu, Y. Hu

Keywords: cone calorimeter, differential scanning calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry (dsc), dsc, flame retardant shape-stabilized phase change material, flame retardant shape-stabilized phase change material (fspcm), flammability, fspcm, hdpe, high-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene (hdpe), intumescent flame retardant (ifr), iron properties, latent heat, paraffin, paraffin (pa), pcms, phase change materials, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, synergistic effect, thermal conductivity

Abstract: In this article, the transient plane source technique was used to determine the effect of iron, a flame retardant shape-stabilized phase change material (FSPCM), on the thermal conductivity of a sample of paraffin/high-density polyethylene (HDPE). With the results, it was determined that iron could be dispersed within the HDPE and paraffin samples, so as to improve the flame retardant efficiency. The results also concluded that the thermal conductivity of the FSPCM sample was increased, due to the high thermal conductive nature of iron.

Reference: Thermochimica Acta, 487, (2009) 74-79

DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2009.01.006