
Author(s): T. Ohmura

Keywords: accuracy, cyclic heat, ghp, guarded hot plate (ghp), guarded hot-plate, reference materials, thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity measurement equipment, thermal insulation, transient hot wire (thw) method, transient hot-wire

Abstract: This article focuses on creating a standard reference material and method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials at a set temperature. The specific focus is in the temperature range above 100°C, where there are differences in values obtained using different techniques. The author performs a review on the influences of the guarded hot plate, cyclic heat and transient hot wire. The author developed three apparatuses that measure thermal conductivity using a combination of the various methods and compared the results of thermal insulation material measurement. The study concluded that comparing values given by different techniques enhances the accuracy of the result when a set reference material is not available.

Reference: ASME/JSME 2007 Thermal Engineering Heat Transfer Summer Conference, Volume 3 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 8–12, 2007

DOI: 10.1115/HT2007-32746