Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 7

Study on Comparison of Thermal Conductivities of Thermal Insulations Using Different Measurement Methods in Wide Range of Temperature

This article focuses on creating a standard reference material and method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials at a set temperature. The specific focus is in the temperature range above 100°C, where there are differences in values obtained using different techniques. The author performs a review on the influences of the guarded hot plate, cyclic heat and transient hot wire. The author developed three apparatuses that measure ...


Influence of moisture content on measurement accuracy of porous media thermal conductivity

This article investigated the accuracy of measuring the thermal conductivity of sand with various moisture contents. Water morphologies, distribution and evolution at the pore scale were determined. Results found that sand with a moisture content lower than 25% was difficult to measure with the system. Water evaporation and diffusion prevented an accurate measurement from being collected. However, at high moisture contents the system gave excellent results....

Author(s): , , ,

Using ANNs in calibrating the measurements of a simplified hot-plate method 

In this paper, the simplified hot-plate method (SHOP) measured the thermal conductivity of a prototype instrument, and artificial neural networks (ANNs) were employed to confirm the results. The goal of this paper was to produce ANNs to calibrate and improve the accuracy of SHOP thermal conductivity measurements. A thermal constants analyzer verified the results of the SHOP by measuring the thermal conductivity of plywood and calcium silicate boards using the ...

Author(s): , ,

Green, formaldehyde-free, foams for thermal insulation

This paper presents the idea of flavonoid foams that are manufactured from natural resources rather than formaldehyde-containing tannin-based foams. A TPS instrument measured the thermal conductivity of the foams using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Results show that the flavonoid foams are a better choice than tannin-based foams because they have a lower thermal conductivity which makes them more insulative and fire resistant, and they do not release toxic ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

A numerical study on the influence of insulating layer of the sensor on the thermal conductivity measuring accuracy 

In this study, the thermal properties of stainless steel, ceramic, and silica aerogels were numerically calculated and then compared to actual test results. A thermal constants analyser measured the thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities of the samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the values generated by the numerical simulation were within ±3% of the TPS method values, which verifies the reliability and accuracy of the numerical ...

Author(s): , , , ,