Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 2

Study on Comparison of Thermal Conductivities of Thermal Insulations Using Different Measurement Methods in Wide Range of Temperature

This article focuses on creating a standard reference material and method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials at a set temperature. The specific focus is in the temperature range above 100°C, where there are differences in values obtained using different techniques. The author performs a review on the influences of the guarded hot plate, cyclic heat and transient hot wire. The author developed three apparatuses that measure ...


Intercomparison of Measurements of the Thermophysical Properties of Polymethyl Methacrylate

The authors used a variety of techniques to determine the thermal properties of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), including thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and density. The measurements are performed in the temperature range from -70°C to 80°C. The results from the different techniques used to characterize the PMMA (GHP, GHF, TPS, THS) are all compared to see whether they agree with one another....

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