
Author(s): Agung Tri Wijayanta, Hiroshi Takamatsu, Kosaku Kurata, Mamoru Nishitani, Syamsul Hadi

Keywords: contact probe methods, films, gel contact resistance, power, probe, sensor, solids, temperature, thermal conductivity, thermal contact, thermal diffusivity, thermal transport properties, thin film heater, transient plane source (tps) method, transient plane source (tps) technique

Abstract: The transient plane source (TPS) method is a popular technique that is used to measure the thermal properties of solids. The TPS method is widely used because it can test a variety of materials, it is easy to set up, and measurements are non-invasive. A downside of the TPS method is that it requires two homogenous samples, unlike invasive contact-probe techniques. This study proposes the idea of a “stamp sensor”, a new in-situ method that tests the thermal properties of materials. The stamp sensor was theoretically examined, and the results concluded that the thermal properties and the thickness of the gel layer could be successfully predicted using the Gauss-Newton algorithm. The thermal conductivity measurements were more accurate than thermal diffusivity because the sensor was more sensitive to changes in temperature. Finally, the margins of error were acceptable by commercial standards, which gives incentive to prototype and test the sensors that were proposed in this study.

Reference: Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 7, 4 (2012) 536-548

DOI: 10.1299/jtst.7.536