
Author(s): M. Tsuboi, T. Ohmura, T. Tomimura

Keywords: alumina silica, anisotropic, cyclic heat method, density, estimation method, fibrous insulation, insulation materials, isotropic, plane directional, specific heat, temperature, thermal conductivity, transient hot wire method

Abstract: With the use of multiple thermal instruments, the thermal conductivity (lambda) of fibrous insulations was measured in the plane direction. In this study, a method was put forth the estimate thermal conductivity. This method assumed that the thermal conductivity of the anisotropic material was equivalent to that of an isotropic material with identical bulk density and specific heat. This novel method displays the thermal conductivity of the anisotropic material as √(lambda of the direction of the plane X lambda of anisotropic material). In this particular study, researchers honed in on the thermal conductivity testing of alumina silica blankets, as well as rock wool insulation. Using the various testing methods, the thermal conductivity of the alumina silica blankets was measured from -140 to 300˚C, while the rock wool was tested from 100 to 600˚C. By comparing the results from the estimated method to the measured results, researchers have confirmed the accuracy of this novel method.

Reference: International Journal of Thermophysics, 23, 3 (2002) 843-853

DOI: 10.1023/A:1015423708823