
Author(s): Chuang-Chung Chiang, Sea-Fue Wang, Yuh-Ruey Wang, Yung-Fu Hsu

Keywords: cao-b2o2-sio2, cao-b2o2-sio2 (cbs) systems, cbs, ceramics, densification, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, fillers, glass, glass ceramics, low temperature co-fired ceramic, low temperature co-fired ceramic (ltcc), ltcc, microwaves, sintering temperature, systems, thermal conductivity, viscous sintering

Abstract: Five different glasses were created in the present study with varying compositional ratios in a CaO-B2O2-SiO2 (CBS) System and the thermal and dielectric properties of these glasses were studied. A glass was found that had high thermal conductivity and promising dielectric properties, with a low sintering temperature that allows for the addition of fillers to adjust thermal and dielectric properties further.

Reference: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 461, 1-2 (2008) 612-616

DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.07.073