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Recommended Papers for: Transient plane source (TPS) method

Total Papers Found: 422

Heat transfer biofluids: A novel approach towards weed management

Weeds are invasive species that have yet to be controlled and cost nations millions of dollars per year in crop losses. In this experiment, two of the worst weeds in the world, Lantana camara and Parthenium Hysterophorus, were studied to determine their capability of producing heat transfer fluids (“biofluids”) that can be sold to reduce the economic burden they cause. The Thermal Constants Analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the ...

Author(s): , , , , , , , ,

Effects of humidity on thermal performance of aerogel insulation blankets

Efficient thermal insulation is becoming increasingly important as people spend more time in buildings. Aerogel blankets are highly porous materials made of polymeric fibers coated with aerogel particles that are used for building insulation. This paper aimed to explore the effect of moisture on the thermal properties of insulating aerogel blankets, because in humid environments, condensation within building insulation heightens thermal conductivity. The thermal constants analyzer TPS measured the thermal ...

Author(s): ,

Study of stability and thermal conductivity of nanoparticles in propylene glycol

This paper examined the properties that affected the thermal conductivity of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) nanofluids with a base fluid of propylene glycol. Samples were prepared with volumetric percentages of 0.2%, 2%, and 3% Al2O3, and 22 replicates were completed over time. A Thermtest Transient Plane Source TPS measured the thermal conductivity of the nanofluids. Results showed that the 3% Al2O3/propylene glycol solution had the highest thermal conductivity....


Effective thermal conductivity modeling of consolidated sorption composites containing graphite flakes

Adding thermally conductive materials and consolidating adsorbents in a thermally conductive porous matrix is one way to improve heat transfer in sorption beds. The aim of this study was to develop a model that predicts the effective thermal conductivity of consolidated composite adsorbent containing graphite flakes. A thermal constants analyzer TPS measured the thermal conductivity of consolidate adsorbent graphite flakes using the transient plane source (TPS) method. The results showed ...

Author(s): , ,

Experimental investigation on the thermal conductivity and ultrasonic velocity of propylene glycol based TiO2 nanofluids

Nanofluid research is focused on two specific areas of testing: synthesizing new nanofluids with enhanced thermal properties, and finding new applications for nanofluids. Nanofluids are conventional heat transfer fluids with suspensions of thermally conductive nanoparticles. In this study, TiO2 (titanium dioxide) nanoparticles are used to enhance the base fluid propylene glycol (PG). The Thermal Constants Analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the TiO2/PG nanofluid using the transient plane source (...

Author(s): , , , , , ,