
Author(s): Jane Catherine Ngila, Meher Wan, Meher Wana, Neeraj Kumar, R. R. Yadav, R.R. Yadava, Rajiv Prakash, Rashmi Parashar, Vyom Parashar

Keywords: heat transfer fluids, lantana camara, nanofluids, parthenium hysterophorus, thermal conductivity, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method, weed control, weed invasion, weed management, weed species

Abstract: Weeds are invasive species that have yet to be controlled and cost nations millions of dollars per year in crop losses. In this experiment, two of the worst weeds in the world, Lantana camara and Parthenium Hysterophorus, were studied to determine their capability of producing heat transfer fluids (“biofluids”) that can be sold to reduce the economic burden they cause. The Thermal Constants Analyzer measured the thermal conductivity of the plant leaves and nanofluids using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the thermal conductivity of the leaves from both weed species increased with concentration and temperature. L. camara had higher thermal conductivities than P. Hysterophorus, and the highest thermal conductivity enhancement (103%) was recorded for L. camara at 60 °C. These results indicate that L. camara has more potential to be used as a heat transfer biofluid than P. Hysterophorus, and based on many current studies, enhanced thermal conductivity more than many commercial nanofluids.

Reference: Ecological Engineering, 84 (2015) 492-495

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.09.020