Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 147

Thermal properties of neutron irradiated Se80Te10Ln10 glass

Semiconductor chalcogenide glasses are used in a wide range of applications as solid-state devices, both in scientific and technological fields. In this article, the mechanism of degradation of these materials is studied. The technique was used to measure the variation of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of samples with different exposure times to neutron irradiation. Thermal conductivity and diffusivity increases proportionally with smaller exposure time, while at higher exposure times ...

Author(s): ,

Simultaneous measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of rock-marbles using transient plane source (TPS) technique

Knowing the thermophysical properties of insulating building materials is essential in understanding heat loss. In this study, the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of five marble samples were measured using the transient plane source (TPS) technique and compared to results obtained through the transient hot strip (THS) method. The TPS technique is nearly twenty times the initial resistance of the THS method and does not require small sample sizes or ...

Author(s): , ,

Temperature dependence of effective thermal conductivity and effective thermal diffusivity of Ni-Zn ferrites

Nanocomposites are formed by combining conducting polymers and inorganic nanoparticles. In this study, nanocomposites of Ni-Zn ferrite were tested to determine the variation in their thermal properties. A thermal analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the composites using the transient plane source (TPS) method over a temperature range of 30 to 140°C. Results indicate that thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of Ni-Zn ferrites in a copolymer ...

Author(s): , ,

Thermal properties of pineapple leaf fiber reinforced composites

Using the transient plane source (TPS) technique, simultaneous measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity were taken from phenolformaldehyde (PF) composites, reinforced by pineapple leaf fiber. Testing was done on samples of varying weight percentages. Thermal conductivity of pure fiber was evaluated and compared with the thermal conductivity of the composite fiber....

Author(s): , , , ,

The thermal properties of cob buildings of Devon

The transient plane source method is used to measure the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and the specific heat of solid and some liquid materials. With an instrument, a double spiral nickel sensor is sandwiched between two homogenous samples, and as the sensor pulses electrical currents through the sample, it simultaneously measures how long it takes for the temperature of the sample to increase. Assessment of cob walling should take place ...
