The thermal conductivity of thin, high-conducting ceramic bars—commonly used in mechanical tensile testing—is measured using a variant of the short transient hot-strip technique. As with similar contact transient methods, the influence from the thermal contact resistance between the sensor and the sample is accurately recorded and filtered out from the analysis—a specific advantage that enables sensitive measurements of the bulk properties of the sample material. The present ...
The present study used the transient plane source (TPS) technique to measure the thermal conductivity of a series of AlSi7 metal foams prepared by the powder metallurgical route. The main difference between the different foam samples was their density, which led to a change in thermal conductivity. In addition to measuring thermal conductivity, the TPS sensor was used to detect in-homogeneities by placing it on each face of a cube ...
Through the use of the transient plane source method the researchers were able to measure the thermal conductivity of a collection of cellular metals as well as the in- homogeneities of the samples. The volume of the samples was varied and the density of these individual volumes was calculated from tomography....
In the electronic industry, manufacturers depend on accurate thermal conductivity testing methods to characterize their new products, and perform quality control maintenance on continuing materials. This paper assesses the ability of the Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique to accurately characterize newly developed materials, for their use in novel electronic applications. Using the TPS technique, various silicone based electronic materials, of differing filler contents, were thermally characterized and examined for their ...
The researchers in this study presented a functional means of assessing the quality of milk, by measuring fat content, using a thermal constants analyzer. Multiple tests were performed, by altering probe design, probe size and thermal contacting area, to achieve optimal test parameters. The research concluded the possibility of designing a probe capable of measuring the fat content of milk with a less than 0.1% sensitivity. Research also concluded that the ...