Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 9

Influence of moisture content on measurement accuracy of porous media thermal conductivity

This article investigated the accuracy of measuring the thermal conductivity of sand with various moisture contents. Water morphologies, distribution and evolution at the pore scale were determined. Results found that sand with a moisture content lower than 25% was difficult to measure with the system. Water evaporation and diffusion prevented an accurate measurement from being collected. However, at high moisture contents the system gave excellent results....

Author(s): , , ,

Experimental determination and fractal modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete: Effects of moisture content

Autoclaved aerated concrete was studied because it has potential to be used in the design of energy-efficient buildings. Three different samples were tested, each with a unique density. Of particular interest to this work was the thermal conductivity of the samples, as this material would be used as a thermally insulating concrete. The thermal conductivities were measured at various percentages of moisture content, and it was found that increasing moisture ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Measuring the thermal properties of green wood by the transient plane source (TPS) technique

In this study, the researchers investigated the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat of four types of wood: beech, birch, spruce and Douglas fir. The main factor influencing the thermal properties of the wood was the moisture content of each sample, which was manipulated by the researchers. Samples of each type of wood were taken and placed in a hot and wet air flow device for varying times in ...

Author(s): , , ,

Experimental Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of Wood Species in China: Effects of Density, Temperature, and Moisture Content

The authors selected 5 types of softwood species and 5 types of hardwood species that are commonly grown and used for construction in China for thermal analysis. Not only was thermal conductivity measured, but its dependence on moisture content, density and temperature of the wood samples was also investigated. Thermal conductivity was found to increase with increasing density of the wood sample and increasing moisture content. Thermal conductivity was also found to ...

Author(s): , , , ,